A Letter to Myself

color me blue
3 min readDec 2, 2019


I write down the words I had deeply swallowed so that the painful days of the past are erased.

Dear Nomin.

Congratulations, my friend. You survived another year yet. This year held your highest highs and your lowest lows. You laughed harder than ever, cried harder than ever, learned harder than ever, and worked harder than ever.

You should be proud for the challenges and hardships of the year made you stronger, wiser, and kinder. For the first time in your life, you decided to love yourself for who you are. You finally threw the judgment out of the window and allowed yourself to stop hating yourself.

You’re good at seeing others as amazing but you can’t see yourself as amazing. You like to give love, but you can’t receive love and compliments from others.

It was a long time coming. You’re still figuring yourself out, but at least now you realize that no matter what you love, and how you love, you’re allowed to embrace it.

You spent so much of your life fearing that everyone would hate who you truly are; but you were so wrong.

You were too blind to notice that the world was listening and too deaf to hear your voice. People cared to know what I had to say. To remind you that you can shake mountains with your mind.

How can you possibly hope to change the world if you do not have the confidence to share your ideas? You’re not a teenager, who is filtering her thoughts through society. You’re an adult picking through everything you left behind to never lose even a gram of thought.

You will find out that life is just a game of inches. Because the margin for error is so small. If you look around the inches you need are everywhere around you, waiting to be measured. Inch by Inch. One inch, at a time. You can do it, even when you’re alone.

This year after finally showing your true colors, you found so much more love than you’d ever felt before. Forthcoming, love yourself more. Trust yourself more.

You’re not as useless as you often scare yourself into believing. This year you learned that you are so much stronger than you’d realize.

You are perfect in every way, especially with your imperfections and flaws. Always remember that another woman’s beauty is not the absence of your own. Accept the things that make you different, while embracing everything that makes you unique. It’s better to have a high opinion of yourself than a low one. You will value and respect yourself more.

Even though you think you are weak and broken, there is so much beauty and depth in your pain and hardships. Something can be beautiful because there is something horrible. And something can be horrible because there is something beautiful. Also, you’re not as weak as you think you are. You are stronger than anything that has tried to tear you down.

You are a survivor, not a victim. So with that, remember that it’s okay to lower your expectations of yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes, and even to fail. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re learning and this is a normal part of growing up.

More importantly, gracefully let go of the things and people that are not meant for you. Accept things the way they are.

I hope that you can gather up the anger within you and the anger you see in other people, and turn it into something flowery and shining so that your youth can shine like a flower. So I hope you find yourself a flower blooming in your heart. Maybe even the galaxy and feel comforted by that.

Thank you for never giving up and being so tough. You inspire others and you lift them. Stay strong. Make them wonder how you do it.

This is only the beginning. You know you deserve the world, and you will, eventually.



color me blue

for me, writing is just one way of being creative, & so far has been the easiest way to get my feelings and thoughts out. i don’t see myself as a writer (: